Friday, December 18, 2009

Keep Hope Alive 2009

Once Again, the holidays rush toward us with their usual year end speed – the signposts marking the way – brimming parking lots, frenetic shoppers, overflowing inserts in the daily paper and the endless litany of “once in a lifetime sales” on the radio and TV. And, as usual, it is a constant struggle to visualize and cling to the true spirit of the season – perhaps, even more difficult in this 2009 year of greed and violence. But remember that this is also the season that reminds us of a time for reflection, a time for hope and, most of all, a time for love. Quiet your mind – for a minute, for an hour, maybe even for a day. Forget the headlines, the newscasts and cynicism of daily life. Stay quiet and softly, softly you will still hear the whisper of peace and good and if you are vigilant, you will see kindness and forgiveness amid the maelstrom of difficulties. Hope begins with you and with me and regardless of the madness of 2009, it is not a time to give up or give in. So many depend on us – including ourselves. We will endure and we will strive spiritually.

And, finally, if I might quote from Yoda – “don’t give in to the dark side.” Regardless of the constant bombardment of bad news, this is the season to renew our efforts for goodness and peace. From Desiderata – “with all its sham drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.” ~ Gary Gunsel