Saturday, August 3, 2013

Discovery en Español partners with the Hispanic Heritage Foundation

Discovery en Español announced on Aug. 2 a partnership with the Hispanic Heritage Foundation (HHF) and its Latinos On Fast Track (LOFT) program for Descubre Tu Talento “Discover Your Talent”, which is a multimedia campaign aimed to inform the US Hispanic community on how to acquire marketable job skills.

With the slogan “Tu futuro empieza ahora, cuenta con nosotros,” which translates to “Your future starts now, account with us,” the Descubre Tu Talento program will offer information about job training and resources in Spanish. As part of the partnership, Discovery en Español co-hosted the HHF’s 14th Annual Regional Youth Awards, in Miami, Chicago, New York, Los Angeles and Washington, D.C., which recognizes the outstanding academic achievements and community service of Hispanic youths. The network is also participating in ten LOFT STEM symposia, hosting panel discussions that focus upon the areas of STEM; science, technology, engineering and math.

The Descubre Tu Talento campaign offers a newly redesigned micro-site, in Spanish, that offers career guidance, employment resources, and opportunities. New sections of the site include including instructions for revalidating college degrees, job search engines, scholarships, resources for learning English, and information about vocational and technical careers. For more information visit the Descubre Tu Talento site. Para obtener más información, visite Descubre tu talento.

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